Collagen Medical was
founded in 2010 by Peter Caravan, Ph.D. from Harvard University and
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and A. Gregory Sorensen, MD,
President and CEO, Siemens Healthcare, North America (Formerly Director
of the A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at MGH). The
company purchased the collagen targeting intellectual property that the
founders discovered and developed while employed at EPIX
Pharmaceuticals, including an issued patent on composition of matter
and use. Collagen Medical’s patented technology has applications
that extend to diagnosis of fibrotic disease in other tissues (kidney
and lung) and have significant potential for enabling novel ECM
targeted therapies to treat fibrosis and associated medical
conditions. The company’s executive team and scientific advisory
board are leaders in MRI, contrast agent chemistry and biophysics,
medical and cardiac imaging, cardiology, and fibrosis.
Management team